Buy the best-selling Don't give me eggs that bounce and It's all about the food not the fork! bundled with the award-winning Lobster for Josino.
Don't give me eggs that bounce: 118 cracking recipes for people with Alzheimer's began an aged care food revolution by reclaiming the enjoyment of food for many who have missed out for too long, making it wonderfully accessible through innovative recipes and extensive practical knowledge.
It's all about the food not the fork! 101 easy to eat meals in a mouthful continued the journey with a focus on food to be eaten by hand for those struggling with cutlery or mealtimes.
And Award-winning Lobster for Josino: Fabulous food for our final days has broken new ground by taking on the challenge of ensuring people in palliative care, who may be nearing the end of life, can continue to enjoy the food and drink they love.