Fearfully and Wonderfully Made: Ethics and the beginning of human life is described as the 'must read' book addressing the science and ethics of the beginning of human life.
Author Dr Megan Best is a Palliative Care Specialist working at HammondCare's Greenwich Hospital and is also a well-known bio-ethicist. She is deeply passionate about the value of human life, and this is displayed through her care for people in their last days, and her many thoughtful contributions to ethical discussions on these and other topics.
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made is published by Matthias Media but made available through the HammondPress shop as a service to the many readers who may be seeking answers to the complex and emotion-laden questions faced in the rapidly changing field of reproductive medicine.
Product details
- Softcover: 526 pages
- Publisher: Matthias Media
- Language: English
- ISBN: 9781921896613
- Product dimensions: 230mm x 150mm x 34mm